Exploring the interior / Adventures in design / Birds fly north…

Many people talk about ‘choosing their career path’, but I have always felt that I am one of the lucky few whose professional life was predestined. It may not always have been obvious, but looking back, there were important clues.

Birds Fly North
Birds Fly North

I was blessed to be surrounded by beauty, both natural and manmade, from an early age. Some of my first memories are of sun-dappled vines and the beautiful  Du Toitskloof mountains surrounding our farm. The interior of our house was never formally designed, yet over generations it acquired a true style of its own: beautiful silver-grey damask silk curtains and a carpet woven specially for my great grandparents, all of which travelled across oceans to our farmhouse in the Boland.

My first encounter with the magic of fabric came from my mother’s “jonkmanskas” cupboard which was filled with fabric pieces, she had collected over many years. Somewhere in this rich swirl of memories lies the seed of my deep appreciation for beautiful things.

The moment that truly changed my life, however, was attending a launch at Mavromac as a young designer. Though the Mavromac showroom in Wynberg Cape Town was only a small building at the time, to me it was a whole new universe of beautiful fabrics and stunning presentation. Mavromac was the inspiration for my career.

Little did I realise that a momentous change was developing, and Mavromac would go on to become my whole life. Soon after, I started working in the Mavromac Cape Town showroom – just the first of many blessings I’ve received.

Some of my most remarkable experiences took place much further from home. Then, as now, Paris was the undisputed capital of the fashion and design world and I was priviledged to visit annually…

These moments include a Seine river cruise in the company of one of the aged, yet immaculate, Hermès heiresses. I was seated next to her as we were treated to a remarkable display of fabrics.

I’ll also never forget turning up late to a Metaphore event at a snow-bound Palace of Versailles. Olivier Nourrie, the creative director and owner of the brand, kept the shutters of the renowned Hall of Mirrors open until I arrived, so that I could share in his joy at the serene view of the snow-covered gardens as seen from above.

My hosts took every opportunity to educate and entertain this young farm girl who had travelled to their mythical realm to learn all she could about the industry.

Needless to say, I was completely entranced, and this sense of wonder stayed with me as I grew in experience. Ultimately, I was offered the chance of a lifetime: to take over the ownership of the Mavromac business.

Birds Fly North
Birds Fly North

My dream had become an opportunity to help other people realise theirs. Creating a lifestyle destination for people who love beauty the way I do. I had the chance to design exceptional pieces of furniture by using exquisite high-end fabrics to create  timeless classics.

I went into my new venture as the owner of the Mavromac brand to fulfill my dream, and was super-excited to include the furniture arm, Gatehouse. I believe in quality and the power of beauty, and every day I am grateful to Mavromac for giving me purpose and a workplace which has become my home.