Gatehouse Family Sofa II

At 3.2 metres long and 1.3 metres deep, the Gatehouse Family Sofa will make a statement in any home. Much more importantly, it will help your family make memories of the kind you’ll want to revisit time and again.

Ironically enough for such an imposing piece, the idea for the Gatehouse Family Sofa arose from a situation in which space was at a premium. That explains the genius thinking behind this massive, multi-layered conversation piece: as it’s a multi-purpose couch, it can play the same role as several other chairs, making them redundant. Built to last, the Gatehouse Family Sofa could be literally the only sofa you ever need.

The Gatehouse Family Sofa design reflects the fact that while no two families are the same, every family has similar needs. Places to relax, whether together with friends or alone. Somewhere to enjoy a siesta, or snuggle up during a scary movie. From popcorn to Pilates, there aren’t many experiences you can’t enjoy on this oversized modern classic.

The seating area is deep enough for most people to be able to sit on it without their feet dangling in the air – it gives a wonderful feeling of support. The inclusion of multiple cushions – perhaps more than on any other sofa we know of – offers not just comfort, but endless customisation opportunities. Pile them up to enjoy a multi-layered conversation with friends, or let your kids build a fort or a nest.

Rest is important – after all, who can truly say that they get enough? With a Gatehouse Family Sofa in the heart of your home, relaxing becomes more instinctive and more inviting for people of all ages.

One of the most innovative features of this sofa is the duvet element – perfect for sleepovers or those moments when you need 40 winks, but the bedroom is just too far away. The feedback we receive from customers who’ve bought our Family Sofa is that this is one of their favourite aspects, and makes for wonderfully easy transitions between day and night, watchfulness and snoozing.

Family life can be a little messy (especially when kids come along) – which of course is part of what makes it so wonderful. The Family Sofa – as you might expect from its name – was designed to accommodate kids, whether they’re enjoying a bottle or watching a favourite cartoon.

Washability was a key design requirement for the Family Sofa – both the slipcover and the duvet cover can be removed in a matter of moments for machine washing. Investing in two of each means that you can always have one in use, and one fluttering on the washing line.

The combination of comfort, surprising design and practicality has powered the Family Sofa to the top of our bestseller lists – each year, Gatehouse sells more of this model than any of our other sofas.

In fact, don’t be surprised if you find yourself relaxing on a Family Sofa in a friend’s holiday home – and then contacting Gatehouse to order one for your own home or holiday cottage. When you consider that the Family Sofa can be customised to your precise dimensions, there’s no reason not to go large in your home.